Monday, January 25, 2010

Jan 25: Choo choo!!

I didn't have much time today since I had practice, so I looked around the family room for something to photograph.

50mm, f/2.0, 1/60s, ISO 1600, aperture priority, matrix metering

  • I ended up liking the vertical orientation on this, as it included less of the background and more of the feeling of a track. I tilted the camera to get a sense of movement.
  • I tried using a smaller aperture to get more depth of field, but the lighting was not sufficient to hand hold. I tried a few setting the camera on the floor and using the timer, but then I lost the tilt and vertical that I spoke of in the first comment.
  • Keith has noticed the orange tint to a lot of our indoor pictures. I need to play around with the white balance and color temperture settings.

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